Part 5.7 – Persistence

I’m not an achiever nor have a special talent.

I have a lot of failures in life including in my academics.

“Repetition is mastery in progress”

It all started when longed for a million in our savings account. With the help of the book “Think and grow rich” by Napoleon Hill and I knew from that point that I need to make a change. A change that I won’t regret in my entire existence. Never knew that it wasn’t going to be easy BUT one thing’s for sure I had a very vivid goal the P1 Million in our account.

Few months before reaching the goal, a very tragic event happen which drained us back to few thousands. Didn’t expected the huge draw down financially but I accepted our fate. At this point I wasn’t even making money in stocks nor in tribe. Without an edge in stocks, I focused in generating extra income with the help of my side job.

Months and years passed, draw downs after draw downs, staggering losses kept piling up. Blew up my account and funding it back to stay in the game. Still, I wasn’t seeing any progress until I finally woke up from being trapped in my own psychological cell. Focusing solely in trading and eliminating my side job which kept me from putting time in trading had helped me curve up my development.

Some of the people say a lot of things that they want this; they want that but rarely you you some are doing what they’ve said or at least see them constantly doing the thing which could achieve their dreams.

Thoughts mixed with definiteness of purpose, persistence, and burning desire are powerful things. –Napoleon Hill

“the fact of continuing in an opinion or course of action in spite of difficulty or opposition.”
Usually, when I study things like software or be it in engineering solution, I’m not the type of guy who usually learn it in one sitting. Most of the time, I see myself learning those things in 2 or more trials. Persistence is a key to my development. It may not be learned right away but through persistence the possibility is great, that I proved to myself.
“I haven’t failed. I’ve just  found 1000 ways that won’t work.” – Thomas Edison

With countless losses and fail trades, I’ve always reminded myself that I don’t fail rather I’m finding many ways how trading in stock market won’t work. Accepting the risk and thinking about the lifetime reward kept my ember burning. I imagine myself facing tons of possible failures along the ways before I could get thought the only success I’ve longing for. It just that I needed to keep going and speed up more in eliminating those mistakes that get in the way. No one knows where we are until we get there.


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