Goal setting – How rich is rich?

Financial freedom is a very broad topic which led my journey to stock market. I’ve chosen Trading as my vehicle where I could drive myself to success. The benefits of Trading are very lucrative to anyone eyes who aim for riches.

In the introduction of the book named “The New Trading for a Living”, it said:

Trading—The Last Frontier

“You can be free. You can live and work anywhere in the world. You can be independent from routine and not answer to anybody.”

Working abroad lets me earn far way more than what I earn back in our country. I could be able to save enough to buy our own house and provide more of what I can give to my family. I thought that was already the last road I would take. That statement from the book was a very strong one and it had been engraved in my head ever since. It changed the way I look at future, our future. I told myself,

” I want to become a Trader.”

“I want to become rich someday too.”


In trading, I looked up to ZF and my Mentor though I don’t even know them personally. They are like achievers in the league where I wanted to be, Trading . Some of you may know that I’ve been following them ever since. I’ve read one of his post after I got into the tribe. The exchange of words were:

Friend: “What are you going to do with all that money zee?”

ZF: I was, and I still am in deep thought on the matter. Yes it is a blessing. But it also has become a burden.


What I would like to point out here is:

“How rich is rich?”

If being rich is having lots of money, how much does someone must have to be able to be called “rich”? The idea of having lots of money like 1 million, 10 million, 100 million, or even billions will make or let a person feel rich well let us hear other’s peoples opinion about it.

This is one nice story which I always love to tell my kids.

A father and son story – Through the eyes of a child.

One day, the father of a very wealthy family took his son on a trip to the country with the express purpose of showing him how poor people live.

They spent a couple of days and nights on the farm of what would be considered a very poor family.

On their return from their trip, the father asked his son, ‘How was the trip?’

’It was great, Dad.’

‘Did you see how poor people live,’ the father asked.

‘Oh yeah,’ said the son.

‘So, tell me, what did you learn from the trip,’ asked the father.

The son answered:
‘I saw that we have one dog and they had four.’

‘We have a pool that reaches to the middle of our garden and they have a creek that has no end.’

’We have imported lanterns in our garden and they have the stars at night.’

‘Our patio reaches to the front yard and they have the whole horizon.’

‘We have a small piece of land to live on and they have fields that go beyond our sight.’

‘We have servants who serve us, but they serve others.’

‘We buy our food, but they grow theirs.’

‘We have walls around our property to protect us, they have friends to protect them.’

The boy’s father was speechless.

Then his son added, ‘Thanks Dad for showing me how poor we are.’”

End of story.


Most of the time we focus on the material things we possess but forget the things which makes us really happy. Sometimes it takes the perspective of an innocent child to remind us what rich life is really all about.

“If you’re goal is to find happiness, no amount of money will ever be enough.”
Andy Stanly

“I wish everyone could experience being rich and famous, so they’d see it wasn’t the answer to anything.”
Jim carrey

 “Money can’t be cared about – it’s got to be a tool that you use, because if you don’t use it, it will use you.”
Tony Robbins

“Money will make you more of what you already are”
T Harv Eker

Other people have reached the status that they won’t be suffering any financial dilemma until they expire. It seemed that all what they’d said were somewhat similar.

“Happiness is Richness”

Being rich doesn’t have to be a bunch of zeros in our bank account. The goal is to achieve happiness using trading. Money is just a tool to help fulfill happiness.

What about you?

What is your definition of being rich?



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